Réseau de recherche
en santé des populations
du Québec


Créé en 2002 et financé par le Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé, le RRSPQ a pour mission de développer la capacité de recherche en santé des populations au Québec.


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Le RRSPQ fête ses 20 ans ! 

Le RRSPQ chapeaute 6 regroupements stratégiques (RS ou Axes) et 2 programmes de renforcement des capacités de recherche:

Programmes de renforcement des capacités de recherche


Publication - Effect of Age-Friendly Communities Action Plan on Trajectories of Older Canadians’ Depressive Symptoms Between 2018 and 2020: Multilevel Results From the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging

Lundi, 13 mai, 2024

Une publication de Mélanie Levasseur et collègues, accessible en accès libre grâce au soutien du Réseau (Concours de soutien à la publication scientifique 2022-2023). 

Séminaire - Transformation numérique: vers une approche globale de la santé

Vendredi, 10 mai, 2024

Un événement organisé par l'Obvia en collaboration avec l'axe TIC & Santé du RRSPQ.

Publication - Unraveling attrition and retention: A qualitative study with rehabilitation professionals

Mardi, 7 mai, 2024

Une publication de Susanne Mak (Université McGill) et collègues, soutenue par le Réseau suite au concours de soutien aux publications scientifiques 2023-2024. Parution en open access grâce au soutien du Réseau dans Work, vol. Pre-press, no. Pre-press, pp. 1-15, 2024.

Autrices et auteurs

Susanne Mak, Alikia Thomas, Saleemd Razack, Kelly Root et Matthew Hunt



Health human resources are scarce worldwide. In occupational therapy (OT), physical therapy (PT), and speech-language pathology (S-LP), attrition and retention issues amplify this situation and contribute to the precarity of health systems.


To investigate the phenomena of attrition and retention with OTs, PTs and S-LPs who stayed in, or left their profession.


Cultural-historical activity theory provided the theoretical scaffolding for this interpretive description study. We used purposeful sampling (maximum variation approach) to recruit OTs, PTs, and S-LPs from Quebec, Canada. Individual interviews were conducted with 51 OTs, PTs, and S-LPs from Quebec, Canada, in English or French (2019–2020). Inductive and deductive approaches, and constant comparative techniques were used for data analysis.


Six themes were developed: 1) characteristics of work that made it meaningful; 2) aspects of work that practitioners appreciate; 3) factors of daily work that weigh on a practitioner; 4) factors that contribute to managing work; 5) relationships with different stakeholders that shape daily work; and 6) perceptions of the profession. Meaningfulness was tied to participants’ sense that their values were reflected in their work. Factors outside work shaped participants’ work experiences. Recurrent negative experiences led some to leave their profession.


Findings underscore a critical need to address contributing factors to attrition and retention which are essential to ensuring the availability of OTs, PTs and SLPs for present and future rehabilitation needs.