Publications OECD: Healthy people, healthy planet. The role of health systems in promoting healthier lifestyles and a greener future

As the G7 economies continue their recovery from the Great Recession, the stress on their environmental resources is likely to grow, unless appropriate policy measures are taken. Air pollution, an important source of environmental stress, affects health outcomes directly, for example as a risk factor for respiratory and cardiovascular conditions, or indirectly, such as through the impacts on climate change and higher probability of extreme weather events. Many sources contribute to environmental pollution, including the overconsumption of food, unhealthy diets and food waste, unsustainable city growth, as well as overreliance on private motorised vehicles as a means of transportation. Each of these factors can also have a direct negative effect on various dimensions of health.

This document, produced to inform the 2017 meeting of the G7 Ministers of Health, provides a broad overview of the main policy issues and some of the policy actions that G7 Health authorities can put in place to improve population health, while at the same time decreasing the human footprint on the environment.