Rapports d'événement Compte-rendu : Choisir et développer votre carrière en santé des populations: tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir sans jamais oser le demander! Une journée virtuelle de réseautage faite pour les étudiant.e.s

The QPHRN is organizing the Student's day 2022 : Choosing and developing your career in population health: everything you always wanted to know but never asked! A networking day made for you!

The objective of this day is to present the perspectives and opportunities related to the development of professional and research careers in population health. It will also promote networking between students and inspiring people in the field of population health.

You can now consult the program of the day!





May 27, 2022 - 8h45 à 17h00 - Virtual event

Open to all



Information : annie-claude.harvey@fsi.ulaval.ca