Autres nouvelles To Catch a Mosquito A team of entomologists is deploying sophisticated traps to catch species that could carry Zika.
Aedes albopictus is an early riser. Of the fifty-one mosquito species in New York, albopictus—a close cousin of Aedes aegypti, the species responsible for spreading Zika—prefers to restrict its activity to power breakfasts, in the mornings, and to teatime, in the late afternoons. (The common house mosquito is active in the evenings.)
On a recent afternoon, Mario Merlino, the assistant commissioner for New York City’s Bureau of Veterinary and Pest Control Services, and Zahir Shah, the director of the city’s Medical Entomology Laboratory, jumped a small fence inside Bellevue South Park, in Kips Bay, and wandered into the shrubbery. Shah pointed to what appeared to be a black collapsible laundry hamper, hidden behind a bush. “There it is,” he said. “Our pride and joy.”