Strengthening Intervention research capacity

4P : Prevention, Promotion and Public Policies

Training program in Transdisciplinary Research on Public Health Intervention

The Strategic Training Program in Transdisciplinary Research was aimed at PhD students and post doctoral fellows interested in conducting their research on the topic of public health interventions. These are defined as actions aimed at changing the distribution of health risks within the population by targeting multiple health determinants. These actions are the promotion, prevention and public policy (4P).

The 4P Training Program was recognized as one of the best in Canada in the field of population health. Its particularity was to promote the integration of students in public health settings as the National Institute of Public Health (INPSQ), public health departments (DSP), or CSSS.

  • Each fellow was supervised by a mentor who accompanies his/her academically and professionally.
  • Participating in monthly seminars, congresses and summer schools in public health reinforces the knowledge, attitudes and learning needed to pursue a successful career in intervention research.
  • A major program strength was based on the use of transdisciplinarity in partnerships with organizations of public health. Applicants are admitted for a period of 3 years for doctoral students and 2 years for post doctoral fellows.
  • The students were part of teams using a variety of disciplinary perspectives and diverse methodologies.
  • The program provided the opportunity to do internships in public health research, to rub shoulders with policy makers and health professionals, to participate in diversified training activities, and attend conferences of renowned Canadian and international researchers.


  1.  Encourage students to pursue research careers on (4P) public health interventions (ie on the priority themes of public health and health systems and public policy linked the public health system) and create a community of researchers interested in this topic of research.
  2. Provide students training laboratories in practice and decision settings of public health and health systems and public policy.
  3. To promote the adoption of a broad and interdisciplinary vision, in formulating hypotheses, designing studies, data analysis and interpretation of results, as well as the identification of solutions.
  4. To increase the skills of future researchers to conduct research in partnership with various interest groups (stakeholders, managers, service users and decision makers).
  5. Training future researchers to the ethical dimensions of applied research in public health and public health and health systems and public policy.
  6. Increase the capacity for knowledge sharing and research findings with policy makers, planners, professionals and the public, and the application of such knowledge.
  7. To promote the development of new collaborations between university researchers and researchers in public health.

Objectives of the Program

À venir


Friday, April 12, 2019

Numéro spécial de la revue Éthique publique sur les défis éthiques des déterminants de la santé

Un numéro spécial de la revue Éthique publique sur les défis éthiques des déterminants de la santé, publié sous la direction de Christine Loignon, responsable du RS Inégalités sociales de santé et équité, et de Daniel Weinstock, responsable du RS Éthique. Accessible en ligne.


Event Reports
Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Première journée de l’éthique en recherche interventionnelle en santé des populations: rapport des échanges

Consultez le rapport des échanges tenus lors de la première journée de l’éthique en recherche interventionnelle en santé des populations (RISP), une initative du Programme 4P en collaboration avec le RS Éthique et le RS Politiques publiques et santé des populations, qui a eu lieu le 25 avril 2018.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Nouvelles publications du Programme de formation en recherche transdisciplinaire sur les interventions en santé publique : Promotion, Prévention et Politiques Publiques (4P)

Consultez un nouvel article signé par Anne-Marie Hamelin et Gilles Paradis, décrivant les effets bénéfiques de l’insertion et du mentorat en milieu de santé publique sur le développement des compétences en recherche interventionnelle en santé des populations des boursiers du Programme 4P. Un commentaire d'anciens boursiers est également été publié en ligne. 

Friday, March 2, 2018

Journée de formation sur la recherche sur les politiques publiques favorables à la santé

Vous vous intéressez aux politiques publiques et souhaitez en connaître davantage sur le sujet ? À ne pas manquer le vendredi 2 mars !

Wednesday, June 14, 2017 to Thursday, June 15, 2017

École d’été 2017 : Étude des interventions complexes en santé des populations

Le Réseau de recherche en santé des populations du Québec (RRSPQ), et le Programme de formation 4P, sont heureux de vous inviter à participer à une école d’été de 2 jours, conçue avec et pour les jeunes chercheurs, sur l’étude des interventions complexes en santé des populations.