ICT and Health


Information and communication technologies (ICT) have an impact in the field of Population Health (PH) research. Studies on ICT use and their impact on PH are a rapidly developing field of research (Internet-Health – IH). ICT use a variety of technological tools, multiple sources of information, which raises important ethical issues, and strategies of uses which influence all areas of health, including especially those covered by each of the other strategic groups of the Network.

In terms of more specific issues of the Internet, an emerging issue can be raised: the Internet use and its impact among groups of adolescents and young adults. These uses can contribute to access to problematic information on sexual health. Mental health problems related to use (use of information on drugs and diverted medications, compulsion and addiction to online games, etc.) also need to be better understood.

ICT have also changed the sharing modes, transfer and exchange of knowledge due to the proliferation of web-based tools (diffusion portals for research results, online journals, scientific popularization, communities of practice, social networks). Theoretical models and evaluation of these new approaches and best practices in this area need to be better studied.


Objectives of the Grouping

  • Increase the capacity for interdisciplinary inter-institutional and inter-sectora lresearch on ICT and health
  • To support structuring initiatives on Internet and health, Internet and health of young adults and knowledge transfer and exchange by supporting interdisciplinary, inter-institutional and inter-sectoral networking
  • To promote the sharing and use of knowledge from research in health and the Internet, Internet and health of young adults and knowledge transfer and exchange locally and internationally


Persons in charge

Marie-Pierre Gagnon, Ph. D.
Professeure titulaire
Titulaire de le Chaire de recherche du Canada en technologies et pratiques en santé - VITAM - Centre de recherche en santé durable
Faculté des sciences infirmières
Université Laval
Pavillon Ferdinand-Vandry
1050, avenue de la Médecine
Québec, QC, G1V 0A6


Émilie Dionne, Ph. D.

Chercheuse d’établissement à VITAM – Centre de recherche en santé durable
Professeure associée
Département de sociologie
Université Laval

Marianne Oskan
Courriel : ris.coordination@gmail.com

Persons in charge of subcommittees

Catherine Lord
Responsable, Développement de compétences et littératie numérique des usagers

Marie-Pierre Gagnon
Responsable, TIC et pratique clinique/gestion des SSSS

David Risse
Responsable, Développement de la recherche sur les TIC en santé publique

Émilie Dionne
Responsable,  Encadrement éthique et légal en santé numérique

Support for research / QPHRN competitions
Wednesday, August 31, 2022

FR/EN - Concours : Utilisation et valorisation de vos banques de données de recherche / Use and valorization of your research databases

Do you have one or more qualitative or quantitative data banks created during your previous projects, do you have research questions that could be addressed with these data, and are you convinced that these data could be further exploited, particularly with the help of a scholarship or paid student? This call is for you!

Event Reports
Monday, August 15, 2022

Compte-rendu : Choisir et développer votre carrière en santé des populations: tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir sans jamais oser le demander! Une journée virtuelle de réseautage faite pour les étudiant.e.s

Student Event (open to all) : The QPHRN is organizing the Student's day 2022 : Choosing and developing your career in population health: everything you always wanted to know but never asked! A networking day made for you! The program is now available!

The objective of this day is to present the perspectives and opportunities related to the development of professional and research careers in population health. It will also promote networking between students and inspiring people in the field of population health.

Lauréate du concours de soutien à une initiative structurante - Transformations numériques en santé des populations : enjeux et perspectives

Félicitations à Quan Nha Hong (Université de Montréal) et collègues! Découvrez le projet retenu!

FR/EN : Soutien à des initiatives structurantes - Transformations numériques en santé des populations : enjeux et perspectives / Calls for proposals: Digital Transformations in Population Health

Calls for proposals for structuring initiatives : Digital Transformations in Population Health: Challenges and Perspectives. The goal of this competition is to allow researchers from different sites and sectors in Quebec to develop a structuring initiative  focused on the acceleration of digital transformations in population health, including but not limited to changes arising due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Other news
Monday, November 15, 2021

Offre d’emploi d’agent.e de recherche – nouveaux enjeux éthiques de l’éthique de la recherche et de la conduite responsable en recherche au Québec

L’axe TIC & Santé, en collaboration avec l'axe Éthique, est à la recherche d’un.e étudiant.e ayant des aptitudes au niveau de la recherche qualitative et des connaissances sur l’éthique de la recherche.